These are some tips collected by The Elevated Kitchen to help you be better at baking at high altitude!

Everything you ever wanted to know about one of the planet’s favorite ingredients- chocolate! Read on and learn more.

Thickening agents perform valuable functions- they create a fuller body in sauces, fillings, and puddings. Read on and learn more.

Milk is composed of butterfat (which contains vitamin A), protein (which contains vitamin D), lactose (milk sugar), and minerals (calcium, phosphorus.) Read on and learn more.

Whether the leavening comes from air or chemical leaveners, controlling the amount of leavening present is crucial for successful high altitude baking. Read on and learn more.

Butter, shortening, or oil tenderize baked goods because fats keep the bonds from sticking together. Read on and learn more.

Carbohydrates provide mass by absorbing water. Read on and learn more.

Proteins provide structure. The two main structural components in baked goods are eggs and flour. Read on to learn more.

As altitude increases, the amount of air pressure decreases. Another way to think about it is that the air is less dense. Continue reading and learn more!

Do your recipe directions use words you’ve never heard of before? Just curious and looking to learn more about various methods? Use our definition charts to look them up!

This page includes definitions from P through Z.



“My mom made the cake with the changes from the Elevated Kitchen and it turned out wonderfully!! She is very happy with it and it tastes just as moist as it should. Thank you again for your help!”


“I made my Triple Chocolate cookies with changes from the Elevated Kitchen and they were so soft and fluffy. Best batch I’ve ever made! You rock Elevated Kitchen”

- SReardon